wicket gate

英 [ˈwɪkɪt ɡeɪt] 美 [ˈwɪkɪt ɡeɪt]

n.  (尤指大门旁的)小门,便门,旁门



  1. (尤指大门旁的)小门,便门,旁门
    a small gate, especially one at the side of a larger one


    1. After winding along it for more than a mile, they reached their own house. A small green court was the whole of its demesne in front; and a neat wicket gate admitted them into it.
    2. At wicket gate a dog is heard to bark.
    3. Research of the Static Stress Assessment for the Wicket Gate of Pump Turbine The hydrodynamic computation on moving base vertical launching of underwater missile
    4. Abrasion protection design and experimental study of wicket gate of hydraulic turbines
    5. Analysis on Choice of Turbine Wicket Gate Two-slope Closing Law
    6. Two stunted apple trees raised their gnarled and knotty branches on either side of the wicket gate.
    7. Genetic Algorithm Using in the Unfixed Wicket Gate Closing Law of the Turbine
    8. Study on Closing Law of Ball Valve with Wicket Gate Delay for Pumped Storage Power Station
    9. By analyzing the damage and leakage of the wicket gate seal for Baishan hydropower plant, it is presented that the main reason of leakage is applying nylon bearing bush.
    10. A study on the designing method of conical wicket gate& the method of straight generating lines
    11. In adoption of such technology, the original wicket gate could be retained but should be improved, which could save the renewal cost of equipment.
    12. The Constructional Problems of Wicket Gate Seal of Reaction Water Turbine
    13. To decrease the leakage of full closed wicket gate of reaction turbine is an important subject of improving the constructional characteristic of water turbine.
    14. Second, stress of the turbine wicket gate are analyzed to determine the running scope of the unit;
    15. This paper has mainly presented the microstructure and mechanical properties of electroslag remelting casting ( ESRC) wicket gate of simulating hydraulic turbine for Three Gorges Power Station and its lot production.
    16. Practical Treatment of Excessive Wear on the Wicket Gate Wearing Sectors and Levers of ALSTOM Hydraulic Turbine
    17. First, to ensure the bearing work well, turbine wicket gate bearing are renovated and new materials are refurnish;
    18. It is highly important to the efficiency guide line of the whole hydraulic equipment unit and to the unit runs safety and steadily that the wicket gate end clearance of the hydraulic turbine.
    19. The structures of ALSTOM hydraulic turbine distributor in TGP Left Bank hydropower station are introduced. The fault phenomenon of gate sinking resulted from excessive wear of wicket gate wearing sectors in the operating is described, and the reason of such fault is analyzed.
    20. Analysis on the affecting factors of leakage of turbine wicket gate and some improvement suggestions
    21. Research for Optimizing Closing Law of Wicket Gate of Hydro-turbines
    22. The structure characteristics and main features of spring type load_bearing safety link device used to protect the wicket gate operating mechanism of bulb turbine are described in this paper, and some profitable experience in design and test procedure is briefly introduced as well.
    23. During the model tests, actual opening and closure curves of balanced wicket have been drawn by measuring upstream water level and the angle of gate opening.
    24. Besides the generating unit speed error, wicket gate servomotor displacement and conduct water pressure also become the part of the control signal in the new control strategy as state feedback variables.
    25. Optimized closing procedures of wicket gate and ball valve for high head reversible pump-turbine unit
    26. Discussions on the Reliability of 700 MW Turbine ′ s Wicket Gate Bearing of Longtan Hydropower Station



    1. small gate or door (especially one that is part of a larger door)

        Synonym:    wicketwicket door